
I'll need a bag from you in the next couple of weeks. I can't feed the bluegills in the two high schools the over sized alleged 5D06, and I sure don't want to take a chance on buying another bag of over sized feed I can't use! Jeeze you'd think their two plants could at least use the same die!

BTW I'm getting 7 to 9 inch male brooks from Nelski as soon as I get a copy of his last three health inspections and get them to Randy Lang of the INDNR with my Trout Importation permit application. He's selling the bigger ones to someone else. I believe we had some miscommunication as it was my understanding he was supposed to contact ME.

Not a big deal as I have to grow them out to trophy size anyway and the smaller ones adapt better in the pond. It also gives me a little more time to clean up the trout pond.

I've got the Aquaculture and Fish Hauler's permits but need the trout importation permit on top of that from the DNR. I'd need a fourth permit from BOAH if the trout were on the VHS list! Four permits to get fish. Crazy huh?

I thought I got a trout importation permit this spring but I was mistaken.

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 10/23/12 09:49 PM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.