After a successful Fluridone treatment July 4th (elimination of DW and Coontail) I was told my water was a great color green of planktonic algae, and the clarity was less than 12". And by the way, my aeration system runs 24/7 and the water level is normal if not rising in my 2 acre pond.

Between Thursday night which was a voracious feeding by the newly stocked HSB 3 weeks ago, and Saturday, the water clarity improved beyond my belief as I can now see the bottom of the pond in the 4' depths. Not using a secchi disk I'm guessing the clarity is right at 4'.

Beginning Friday morning the feeding has all but shut down. I just got back from this morning's feeding and it's the same, nil. I'm feeding twice a day, 7am and 5-6pm.

Could this be as simple as the water temp dropping with the evening temps dropping into the 40's? We haven't necessarily had a cold front move in, it's just starting to cool off quite a bit in the evenings.

Thanks for any clues on this. I was getting so used to the feeding frenzie by the new HSB!

Keith - Still Lovin Livin
(a short video tribute to the PB members we met on our 5 week fishing adventure)

Formerly: 2ac LMB,HSB,BG,HBG,RES