Thought I'd give a update based upon anecdotal evdidence. I put some One Flush product into my pond about a month ago. Unfortunately I was very concerned about getting my FA and duck weed under control so at the same time I also began ciculating my pond water through my neighboring bog. All I can say at this point is that the two things in combination seem to have made things better. I have noticed that the more hot weather the worse my problem usually gets. We have had a lot of hot weather this year and my FA and duck weed problem are not as bad as previous years. Unfortunately I can't say which solution is helping the most, sorry about that. I know that in order to be scientific about this I should only change one thing at a time but I couldn't help myself. I only ran my recirculating pump for 4 weeks which translates into about 1/2 of my overal pond volume being exchanged during that time. The weather got so dry I was afraid I'd lose too much water running it. Did it have a big impact on nutrients, can't say. I looked all around for a good and inexpensive test kit so I could test nutrients before and after but never found one. I intend to get one for next year so I can evaluate how well the recirculating system removes nutrients. Anyone know where to get an inexpensive test kit?

Gotta get back to fishin!