The flush it (not one-flush ), show that it has 8 strains @ 5 billion aerobic and 4.7 billion anerobic per gram making it 9.7 billion per gram.
It is priced at 46.95 for 24 half ounce dissolvable packs. That makes it about $63.00 for a pound of @ 9.7 billion per gram. That would still make it $1575 for 25 lbs. If I remember correctly I think that is what Chip said he was using (or was going to use half that lbs) per acre @ $1000.00. I am going to contact flush-it to see what a bulk discount would be for 10lbs without using the disolvable packs.

what did you say you were paying for a pound? And how many strains were in your bio-cleaner?

Just another 1 acre hole in the ground...........with fish !!!