Originally Posted By: Rob Cater
This is the time when I eat some crow. I am learning that the filteration rate needs to pass 100 % of the water through the filter every Hour.

The needed turnover rate(volume) of the bow, is entierly deepended on the bioload put on the bow.
You can achive a lot by not feeding the fish, and take full control on the runoff water, going in to the pond.

Originally Posted By: Rob Cater
I will need 25 thats right 25 10,000 gal/per hour systems Plus l25 large uv systems stacked together.

You should look at differente pumps/uv(ozone) systems zizes.
Axial pumps like this
http://www.lykkegaard-as.dk/en/?download=UK-HDPE.pdf http://www.lykkegaard-as.dk/en/?download=UK-steel.pdf
cut from here http://www.lykkegaard-as.dk/en/?Products:Data_Sheets
moves 5 to 105 us gallon pr second, also with airlift pumps you can achive some impressive volumes with "low" power use.

Here http://www.ultraaqua.com/products_monoray_c440ss.html
you can fine proper zized UV systems.

I newer bought any thing from the companys above (links).
You can probably fine suplyers, closer to home, I'm just trying to point you in a direction of more propper zized equipement.