Originally Posted By: sprkplug
News flash. It's not necessary to live in the mountains out east, or the swamps down south to experience the lifestyle talked about in this thread. I live less than 60 miles south of Indianapolis, and 20 miles west of Bloomington, the home of Indiana University, and I could take you to more than one relatives house where the folks therein make the greatest portion of their income selling fur, morel mushrooms, ginseng, and yellow root. I think they all have indoor plumbing now, but the last one just relented in the previous 5-6 years...the outhouses are still there, and still operable. No air conditioning in these houses, wood heat only in the wintertime.

Chickens roam free-range in the front yard, and barefoot kids carry water to the hogs..... if it's not grown or killed right nearby, it probably doesn't get set on the supper table. Yes, I have chosen a different life than some members of my family. However, it is still a part of who I am. And I can tell you that these folks don't glamourize, or paint a rosy picture about their way of life, they merely accept it as fact and go on.

If someone would like to see for themselves, come on over and we'll run all over these hills and hollers. But when we get to where we're going, it would probably be best if you stayed in the truck and let me do a little talking first.

sparkplug I couldn't agree more................I come from south NJ and the same can be said to a point about there,though fishing is foremost.My wife is from Bulgaria and yes they are country there too.........although they call it village wink

As for my experiences in BG one new years she asked me dont you find it funny they are shaving a sheep in the winter?My reply was no unless it wasn't going to be for dinner smile