I have a Gast 1/3 h.p. compressor I use to aerate my .62 acre pond that I purchased several years ago and it's still running strong. C.F.M. is rated at 4.2, and amp draw is about 5 amps (comes to about $25.00 per month in electricity per month for my area)

Anyway, I noticed a few years ago my supplier, Stoney Creek, has listed a 1/4 h.p. compressor in its place with the same C.F.M. rating and amp draw. Anyone know if the "1/4 h.p." could be a typo or they have made a change to a lower h.p.? I suppose I could ask them but I keep forgetting to when I order something. Just curious.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.