Originally Posted By: Todd3138
RC, that is awesome progress, buddy! It looks fantastic. You and your folks have a lot to be proud of with what you've accomplished there. As I told Brettski in his garage apartment thread, after being away from the forum a few weeks, there were some threads I was looking forward to seeing and yours was one. Congrats on the results!

Thanks Todd it has been hard work but fun work too. As Eric always says take time to smell the roses on the way, and we are trying to do more of that now that we have the cabin is in the dry. This coming March we will be starting more on the inside stuff. Not sure how far we will get with my budget and all but we will do what we can and then go fishing I guess! smile First order of buisness is getting that bathroom done!!! smile Talk to you later,


Last edited by RC51; 08/29/12 07:19 AM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!