Just got back from a great weekend of fish management class, Fyke Net 101. I'm pleased with the purchse. I have lots to learn but for a first attempt I'm very happy with the results. This net will definetly be a tool/toy I use all ice free months.

Weekend bullet point summary with trap

* Manageable with one operator easier with two
* Non-fish species not fun for various reasons
* A lot to experiment with pond location and time of year
* Total weekend catch non-fish
(13) painted turtles caught and released
(1) muskrat caught and gone to a higher place

*BH,YP,BG,BCP,LMB all caught in the net
*Great for seeing the different year classes of fish
*Don't forget to bring tagging gun when pulling the trap
*Easiest way to catch fish for a fish fry

Pic's from the weekend. Lots learned about my 1 acre pond. Biggest surprise, next to all those painted turtles, LMB. I haven't seen one for 2 years. I guess they are still in there.

Thanks to all for the info given with regards to fyke nets. without it, I would have never known about this great tool.