2 acre with average depth of 7 ft - deepest is 11. Have lost about 12 inches of depth due to drought. Limited aeration with a fountain. We noticed the fish gulping for air and they stopped eating. This happened after a 1-2 inch rain which I hear the worst thing for a pond after long drought. Over a period of 1 week we lost about 36 2-6 pound LMB and a couple dozen BG. no catfish or grass carp.

We immediately (1 week later) installed a Kasco aeration system and set up the 3 diffusers 2 feet from the shore for emergency air relief.

It appears the worst is over but it was weird that only the bigger LMB died off first. Are the LMB more sensitive to low DO than the other species? The fish appear to be "back" as they are eating a back in their normal spots.