The water is somewhat a greyish brown color with only 2-3 inches of visibility. No vegitation except for the grass which has grown down the bank. All the tests that I have ran via a simple pool testing kit show the water to be good...low to no chlorine, 7.8 ph, total alkilinity was like 40ppm. I should mention that I did fill the pond with alot of tap water which was about 1/4 or less of the total volume.

So far I have done a few things. One, I put a gallon of the pond water in a jar and let it sit for a few days with no change. Two, I took another gallon of pond water and mixed in a gypsum powder (2 table spoons) and let it sit for a few days, no change. At this point I'm even wondering if gypsum will work or I'm using the wrong kind. It took weeks to locate it in a power form. What I tested was a product called SOF-N-Soil.
