Well I am no expert but here is what I see wrong with this. RES and HBG do not spawn enough to help sustain your forage base for SMB and HSB. You can put tons of forage in there if you want to but if you have enough SMB and HSB that forage won't last to long I don't think. That's why Bob Lusk always preaches that the BG are the backbone of the food chain, cause they spawn 5 or 6 times in the summer and have LOTS of little guys!! Your plan I don't think would last more than 2 years before you start running out of forage again depending how many SMB and HSB you have of course. And don't forget both larger RES and HBG will eat minnows also.

As far as the wooded area where the pond will be I can tell you a couple of things. That's is where my pond is now surrouned by trees.

Here are some pros and cons of that.

Shade, not as windy and looks pretty in the fall that's about it.

Trees drink a LOT of your water! All their leaves fall into your pond and turn into muck. If your starting from scratch you don't want any trees near your levee area!! This will just create issues later on down the road with roots and all.
Not sure if you have this problem but Blue Heron's like to land in trees and then drop down on the shore and then go fishing. So less trees right on your shore the better when it comes to that too.

I am not sure about your loop system I do not know anything about that. Hey good luck and keep us posted as to what you do. Show us some pics eventually.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!