Hey everyone, a friend of mine just bought some property with a very small pond on it. 80 yards long X 20 yards wide. Maybe a 1/3 to a 1/2 acre?

We currently have it drained to repair a leaky dam and to get a dozer in there to make it a little deeper. Plans are to have it 5 to 8 feet average, 10 feet at the deepest point. There were only tadpoles and some minnows in there when we drained it.

My question is what are some do's and don'ts when renovating a pond this small when it comes to habitat, the food chain, aeration and plants? He plans on stocking it with bluegills, bass, and catfish. We want to add plenty of artificial structure, but with a pond this small i don't expect it to able to hold very much.

I have done a bunch of reading on these forums already and have a whole lot more to go, but just don't have the time lately. With a small pond like this, realistically we don't expect it to be a fishing hotspot, but would like to know what to do to make everything right and create the best possible habitate for the fish.

Does anyone else here have a pond this small and have any tips, or can share their experiences and knowledge on the subject of very small ponds?

Thanks. Jerry.