I'm glad to know that I'm not alone in being saddened that the young man was being so severely criticised for using a worm on a flyrod. I'd just about bet he wouldn't have been using a worm or harvested that trout if he was fishing in an area where that was illegal. Yes, I could be wrong, but I doubt it. I'd guess this young man has someone who has helped him learn right and wrong ways to enjoy the sport of fishing.

For me, it was and is my Dad. I'm very fortunate to be able to fish for bass tomorrow night from my own pond in my backyard and then fish for rainbows from the White River in AR the following afternoon at my Dad's place. I'm humbled by how fortunate I am to be able enjoy the outdoors, and for the fact that my Dad is still here for me to
spend time with him and to continue to learn from him. Niether of us is getting any

When I can, I try to encourage and help my nephews and nieces learn to fish. I try to just let them enjoy themselves and not get hung up on style. Sometimes I have laugh at how little I actually get to fish when I'm helping them, as it reminds me of how my Dad spent most of the time helping my brothers and me get untangled on our first trip to Minnesota in the 1960's when us kids were just learning to fish using cloth line and open face reels! (The next year Dad bought us all Zebco 202's, and I think he got to
fish a little more that year!).

It's great to know that so many good folks here appreciate fly fishing for bass. I have an old friend I don't get to see very often anyore who started fly fishing for bass on farm ponds about 8 or 10 years ago. I'm hoping to get him up to my place sometime soon to help me learn more. That is my next challenge, and from watching my pond in the evenings, it should be a lot of fun. And that is the point to me-fishing should be fun. Catching just makes it better!