This is really hard to post but Mason passed away the evening of 7/11/12. My wife fed the dogs and let them out a couple of hours later. When she went to bring them in, Mason wasn't with the others. She found him in one of his favorite napping spots by the pond.

My vet said he was approx. 16 yrs old.But his health had been going down the last couple of months. Mason had lost hearing in one ear and was having a very hard time seeing.(Vet said he may have had a stroke). He never lost control of his bowels though and still had a strong appetite. Thats why I couldn't put him to sleep. He went out on his own terms.

Mason was bone thin when Rainman brought him to me (Thanks again Rex) but he never had an empty bowl in our house. He only had a collar and leash on once or twice. He knew where his food was. It took him a while to figure out that there was always going to be food for him.

We have a New Foundland puppy(8 months)that he would snap at for trying to eat his food. But she tried to get him up to play while he was laying where he passed. She gave up but layed beside him with her head across his back for over 2 hours. Who would have figured that?

Anyway its not hard bringing in an older dog into your home but it it sure is rough losing him.

Again RIP Mason.