[/quote] Spinner----that is brilliant; wished I'd thought of it myself. Only problem is we live too close to the big city. It would help if we lived in my wife's hometown, about 100 miles SW of here, where one day I read the lead story about some college students calling in a bogus order for 5 pies from the local Pizza Hut. [/quote]

Even in a big city you have TV reporters wanting a story. This guy works somewhere, and folks know him. Media coverage is the last thing he wants and guv'ment folks don't like to be perceived as not doing there job in public view. Do you guys have a city/county manager? Squeeky wheel gets the grease! Tell neighbors downstream, they probably have children, and dogs who go to this creek. The dog gets in the creek, and comes back home to be rubbed by owners, and prob. plays with children. Show them the water and show them the test. Maybe some e coli facts. Video it, and put it on Youtube with his name.
Something else-horses are easily scared by big booms, and noises. Nothing like trying to brush the horse down, and it getting spooked. Target shooting with a 30-06 is very loud.

Last edited by spinnerbait; 07/11/12 05:38 AM.

"I have not failed, I have only found 10,000 ways that won't work"
Thomas Edison