Thanks, I was reading about aerating and it said it will help remove some of the muck in the bottom and maybe even help harden it up where the catfish won't stir it up as bad? I am building a rc51 system. I bought a ecoplus 7 pump and was going to buy 3 9" diffusers. Should I buy the standard or high capacity diffusers? Should I place the diffuser station in the lowest part of my pond? I'd read to leave it a foot or 2 above the bottom but I think that's for states where the ponds freeze. I know on RC's setup he ran 1/2" hose from the pump to 5/8" weighted hose to the diffusers, would I be alright just running all 1/2" hose to the station and use 3/4" PVC for the diffuser station? Thanks for all the info.