based on that link what i have for sure is the bluegill and green sunfish, the reason I said redear is because the guy I bought the house from said he put a couple hundred in the pond because they are supposed to eat snails and worms. im about 90% sure the water clarity issue is from the drought and lack of solid bottom. when i measured the depth and when ive got in the pond the bottom has about 3-5 inches that are mush, if that makes any sense. and weve had quite a bit of rain after a year long drought. The pond never went dry but it got about 2 ft low. Id talked to a pond guy and he said that with it having got that low when it rained it probably pushed alot of dirt by runoff into the pond and i can either wait a year or so for it to hopefully settle out or put something like lime and gypsum in the pond to solidify the bottom. Would yall agree? i will definetly try the jar test though. id read about trying to it calculate how much gypsum i needed but never just to see if the dirt settles.