Originally Posted By: Brettski
Originally Posted By: RC51
...At the last second we got what Bretski calls 2 foot itis, and went 16 foot instead of 14 and I am glad we did!!

and a good thing 2 foot-itis set in, l'est you would suffer my other affliction: It ain't done right until it's done twice

looks good, man
Vinyl for the soffit work?....looks like it. I love the stuff for soffit work. Vinyl is final.

Hey Ski what's up? Yes we used Vinyl for sure! No more messing with that. Like you said final when it's done it's done. Like my dad says just wash the fascia off with a hose when you need to and that's that!

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!