Hey Everyone

Just a quick update from last weekend.
Well we finally got all the fascia and soffit put on the cabin. Man what a job that was. Looks easy but very time consuming. Here I am putting in the last piece.

Here is a shot of the front from a little farther away. It turned out pretty good for just a couple of good ole boys doing it! smile

Here is my dad starting to line up the steps for the deck. He had to custom make these steps as the ones at Home Depot were not long enough. So he had to do it the old fashion way. Glad he knew what he was doing! smile

Here we are putting on the step boards almost done. We used 3 inch screws on the entire deck.

Here is the finished product with the exception of a hand rail. We may wait to do that next spring.

And here is the deck from a distance for the most part done. It turned out pretty nice. 12x16 foot is just right. I am glad we did not go smaller. At the last second we got what Bretski calls 2 foot itis, and went 16 foot instead of 14 and I am glad we did!!

Well after all that my mom and I decided to do a little fishing. Here is a pic of one of the nice BG she caught. She caught 2 nice ones that night.

Later I caught this nice Blue on a mini minnow crank bait. Man they are starting to grow up some!!

Then right before dark I decided to put on a 1/4 ounce buzz bait and try it. I have not caught any of my Florida strain bass I had put in the pond this year at all and was starting to get worried that they may have died?? Then all of a sudden BOOYAAA!!! This bad boy hit my buzz bait that was awesome!! I also had 2 others blow up on the bait but missed it!! I was happy to see my bigger bass once again! I was starting to think I was doing something wrong. This bass was right near 18 inches biggest one to date. I did not get a weight on it but it looked ok. Maybe a little under weight but not bad.

My son also caught a very nice HSB I couldn't believe how big they are already. I didn't get a pic of it sorry, but it was at least 12 inches already and plump When I put them in the pond in March they were 8 to 10 inches. Some of them have already grown close to 2 inches! He had a 4 foot rod and was having a blast with that fish!! I love it!! Can't wait to see him catch a 3 or 4 pounder!! Well that's it for now. I will make one more post for this year on the cabin and then were done till March. Can't believe were stopping already this year seems like we just got started! smile

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!