Illinois Joe,
I do indeed see a few flaws in the approach, but I am pretty optimistic that you can pull this off and have a very unique fun place to fish.

Here are some of my thoughts for you to consider. Since I am under the impression your doing this on a fairly tight budget my recommendations kind of follow suit. If the budget or the timeframes change, so do the recommendations.

1. You should be able to get your crappie rolling by adding some brood fish this fall. Also add another dose or two of broodfish this winter and next spring as well. Get on it.

2. Dont stock all your channel catfish in one shot. You may actually get some reproduction out of them with the lack of bluegill and bass in the lake, but still I wouldnt plan on it. Do something like 1000 channels this fall, 1000 next fall, and 1000 the following fall. You should be able to get those 1000 fish for about $600. Shoot for about 3000 in your lake. The moment you start growing 2 lbers, eat them when you catch them. Dont catch and release the catfish past 2 lbs.

3. Get about 100 blue catfish at some point as well. They will be nice variety and will grow very large for you! I'm sure I will be getting some in at some point in the next couple years...

4. Im actually not afraid of common carp getting established in this lake with your game plan. Not that I would go and stock them, but I have a feeling they are already in there and still alive and ready to make babies. They will just be another source of forage for your pike and catfish. Also it seems to me your fairly shallow overall and gonna grow tons of vegetation anyways so I think youll be just fine.

5. Go ahead and stock some gizzard shad too. Keep in mind this is not the typical bass/bluegill scenario so I am not afraid of the gizzards here as well. They will be a great food source for your pike and catfish!!

6. Get the pike rolling as fingerling fish in 2013. Dont wait to stock them any longer than that. Your lake is gonna explode with forage very quickly (I have a hunch it is exploding right now as we speak). Since they will be the main predator and not just trying to implement them into existing population, I would stock 150 of them every fall for the next 5 years. After 5 years you can evaluate to see if you are getting any pike reproduction. My hunch for your situation is that you actually will get a very small amount of reproduced fish, but not enough to sustain the population. This may get a little pricey, but pool some guys together and get er done. Expect to pay about $10 each for those fish. Then after 5 years you may bump the stocking down to about 25 pike every fall to keep it rolling. This will give you AMAZING pike fishing in central illinois. If the water gets hot, the pike wont necessarily die, but they wont grow large unless they have cool water to get to in the summer time. Expect a bunch of 4-6 lb pike with an occasional double digit fish.

7. At some point down the road when you want to add some diversity and have some fun and push those pike and catfish into trophies plan on stocking 500 lbs of stocker rainbow trout in October (a couple years down the road). I have seen individual pike and muskie put on more than 5 lbs of growth just over the winter feasting on stocker trout. Plus the trout are alot of fun to fish for from October through June.

So there are some thoughts to consider. Good luck keeping the bass and bluegill out, if for some reason you do- very cool. If for some reason they show up at some point, you'll be just fine.