Hey everyone just another quick update!

Well we have had some pretty nice days to work on the deck. We got the frame all done and deck boards on in this first pic. As you can see my Dad is enjoying a cold one after all the hard work today! smile I soon followed him after the picture was taken! We used treated 2x6x16 boards for the floor. We also put bridging underneath to make sure the 2x8 floor joists would not try to twist or warp on us. It turned out pretty nice!

In this next pic with my mom and dad it's the next morning and we all had our first cup of coffee on the deck!! That was something I didn't think was ever going to happen!! That was nice!

In this picture you can see my dad finishing up a cut on a post that was to high. We could only get through it so far with the skill saw so for the last inch or so we went old school and broke out the old hand saw! That's right for any of you youngins out there that's actually a real hand saw he is using from back in the day. smile smile LOL! You can also see here in the background how low my water is starting to get. We need some more rain that's for sure!!

Here I am hanging out on the deck with the first section up and in place. Starting to look pretty good!

Well I only got to help dad with the first section and it started to rain on us believe it or not! We actually got some rain! So we had to hold off and him and my mom finished it up during the week! They did a great job and looks really nice thanks mom and dad for all the hard work!!

Here on the last pic kind of shows you more where the stairs are going to be. We decided to hold off on the stairs so they are not in our way when were finishing up the front fascia and soffit. Then we will put the stairs on after. I believe I had decided I will be enclosing the cabin around the bottom but will leave the deck open for easier access to under the cabin from the front side when we have to get under there.

Hope everyone enjoyed this update. I wont have to many more for this year. We will still be doing some electrical inside and maybe some insulation stuff too. I will get pictures of that and the stairs when were done and sad to say that will be it for this year. I have to save up for next year when we start the inside. My pocket book is already shaking!! smile

Have a good one,

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!