Mem. Weekend Update!

Hey all we had a fun Mem. Day get together this weekend and got some work done too and some good fishing. Here are a few pics.

This first pic is of the fascia and soffit done on the back side gable end. It turned out perfect. We thought we may have trouble at the top getting everything to fit right but it worked out great. Dad and I couldn't believe it something actually went easy for a change!! smile

After that we got cleaned up some we started to get ready for a cook out with the family.

We had some good grub and then decided to do a little fishing with my 2 boys. Here is Brett with a nice CNBG.

And my son Noah with a decent one also. We caught a few others too but did not take pics of them. They were all in that 7 to 8 inch range pretty nice! My fish are looking better and better every week they eat this AM500!

Well then the next day we started the deck!! Yep you heard me right the deck!!! smile So won't be long and I can have that morning cup of coffee out on my deck overlooking the pond! It's hard to believe we have gotten this far. This time last year the deck was just a pipe dream!! Wow!! Here are a few pics. We should have it done this weekend then we can finish the Soffit on the front side of the cabin. Were building the deck first so dont have to extend the ladders any more then we have too.

Well that's it for this week. Should have some more pics of the deck finished after this weekend. Until then ya'll have a good one.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!