Very true Travis! In the local trout lakes they just sulk on the bottom later in the summer and hang in there until the water turns over. That is unless the oxygen level gets too low and they are forced up. However I was referring to a situation if they were trapped in the thermocline and conditions are still tolerable enough that they are still feeding. They can't come up because the water is too warm/low in oxygen so they stay down and feed on invertebrates etc.

I had an individual in PA tell me his rainbows would shoot up in 80 degree plus water to feed on pellets and go quickly down again. Makes sense but he was prone to exaggeration and rarely sober so I'm not sure how reliable that was. whistle

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 05/30/12 02:44 PM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.