Hey everyone sorry it's been a couple of weeks since my last update. So here we go. We started on getting our fascia and soffit done which I thought was going to be fairly easy, ha,ha I am starting to figure out nothing to building a cabin / house is easy it would seem! smile Well here are a couple of pics of the fascia we got on.

It wasn't to bad once we got down a system. We are saving the front of the cabin for after we get the deck on so we will be up higher and won't have to stretch out those ladders as far. Of couse we have not capped the end corners of the fascia yet either. Once we got that done we started on the soffit here is a quick pic of the F channels we were puttting on to slide the soffit into. These F channels have to go on both the inside and outside of the overhang of the roof in order to slide your soffit into them. For those who don't understand this process.

Then once you get your F channels on you can start cutting and sliding soffit into place. Here are a couple of pics with most of the sides done.

Wow talk about a LOT of ladder work up, down, up, down and were still not done! frown Dang it!

Finally we have a couple of pics of the inside where we are continuing to put walls up. This first pic is of my dad putting up the first wall in the cabin other, than the center wall which we had to have last year. In the second pic we also put up the hallway wall. It's kind of cool setting these walls and seeing everything starting to come together.

Then of course last but not least after a hard days work taking it easy and having a cold one with your dad enjoying the pond with the fire going. It don't get much better than that!!

Well that's it for this week. We will continue on the fascia and soffit and start building the deck this weekend. Pics to follow.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!