interesting topic......we've had four basic types of snakes around and in the pond. after living with many varieties in the foothills here in ca, i've learned quite a bit about them, and echo bobad's comment that they will not need or eat much.

you guys may be interested to know that on two occassions i've seen our native pacific diamond backs (rattlers) swim across the pond. i have never read or heard of rattlers taking to water, but have witnessed it on my property.

the usual loiterers in the water are common garters and giant garters (up to 5 feet)....both types of garters love the water. passersby near pond edges are typically bull/gopher snakes, golden racers, and king snakes...a very docile and "friendly" snake. We really like those cause they will eat rattlers....of which we have by the dozens throughout the dry season.


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