Ok, here's the latest. It's been slow filling up with very little rain and only this source of water being pumped up from the creek - been on 24/7 since March 6th.

When the water gets above the bridge in the rocks, I'll probably turn it off.

I built the little dock, and it's working out ok. I piled a ton of sticks and logs under the dock and put a mesh net around the dock to keep everything contained until it sunk. Should be a good place for little ones to hide. Also, got some things planted in above ground boxes on the dam.

In addition to the man-made creek near the dock I ran pvc about 200' further down that side and built another inlet for the water - still the same amount of flow but I can have it entering in two places.

Still got another 2.5-3' before it's full - another month unless we get a good rain.

Just do it...