Originally Posted By: rmedgar
I got in late on this project, but just want to say that you have done a great job. That really is a nice addition to your property. Did it turn out to be 1.5 A?

Thanks for the compliment. I have been very pleased with the outcome of the project and support from the PB community. I now have some forage fish in the pond, should be adding some more next month, and hopefully stocking LMB this spring.

According to google maps which is sometimes off, the surface are ended up being about 1.25acres. The dam was built a little wider than planned, even though at full pool it is only holding back 3' of water, better safe than sorry.

We had some rain over the night, and it is now 8" from the top of the overflow pipe. Here are some updated pics from this morning. (Ignore the grass, I know it needs to be cut)

Stand pipe:

From the dam:

Behind the dam: (the standing water is not seepage, it is from the AM rain.

The island:


Last edited by drumz2129; 05/16/12 11:12 AM.