Here is another one for you sparkplug- I believe catch rates overall are actually higher in smaller fed bodies of water, compared to smaller unfed bodies of water. The kicker that makes this fuzzy is that expectations are much higher as well. Especially when you can see the fish feeding and not eating your offering.

Who out there is going to argue that fish don't learn? A fish that has never been caught before is very easy to catch. The second time its a bit harder and the third time even harder yet.

Also why do people think it has to be all or nothing with a supplemental feed program?

Some tips that I use for successful feed programs in smaller bodies of water to increase catch rates are: (this doesnt mean you have to do all of these, just the ones that apply to your situation, the key is to get creative to get the most for you from your pond and fish)

-Harvest Fish!

-Stock a few fish each year!

-Don't feed all year long.

-Feed a mid day feeding only certain times of the year.

-Spread the fish out by spreading out more feeders than recommended. (doesnt mean you need to increase the amount of feed)

-Once your fish are to your acceptable size feed less often.

-Make sure to focus on feeding your smallest of fish. longterm this is very important for many reasons

-****Give your fish good habitat around the whole pond so they have a reason to be elsewhere**** this one is key

-Don't educate all your fish all on the same day (sometimes you can sit in a spot and catch 50 fish when they are young and do that repeatedly and then they are all educated much quicker- especially with HSB I have seen them caught so many times when they are young and dumb and they get old and smart real quick).

Im sure others have more advice for what they do or have found to work for them