Originally Posted By: esshup
I think my pond is 180° from you guys experience. I don't have a problem catching BG/LMB/RBT in my pond. Just yesterday I went out with a #4 hook, 6# Fluro and a dzn nightcrawlers. I caught 5 LMB in 7 casts sight fishing. The 2 that I removed from the pond (not tagged and I didn't bring the tape measure/scale to the pond) were 16" 2.68# and 15.5" 2.48#.

My neighbor has been catching LMB (and a couple RBT) on a #4 Mepps spinner with a red/white blade.

How often do you feed your fish? Once, twice a day? How many seconds?


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!