
Have been monitoring pH daily for a week, seems my base pH is about 7.2 to 7.5, that is the constant reading early AM. Late afternoon pH flucuates from 7.7 to 9.0 depending on the amount of sunshine (cloudy, partly cloudy, sunny), indicating pH increases caused by lowered CO2 concentration due to photosynthesis. In reading about this the article suggests the use of cracked corn added to the pond in the amount of 15# per acre daily for a week. Apparently when it decomposes it adds substantial amounts of CO2 helping to off-set CO2 loss from photosythesis, in turn helping to minimize pH increases during periods of high rates of photosynthesis. Are any of you pondsters aware of this practice or better yet ever tried it. Any information would be appreciated as I will probably start this treatment latter today if I can find the cracked corn. My source for this info. was Texas A@M Agg. sciences web site so I think it is probably good info.

Let me know ya'll.