Here's how my redears came into being.

A wealthy landowner that I know had a huge garden pond, but no interest in fish or fishing. What he did have was a ton of snails in his pond. He asked me if I knew of any fish that utilized snails and I advised him to try redears. He proceeded to purchase from one of those traveling fish caravans about 300 RES. His snail problem disappeared in about fifteen seconds.

Since the redears had nothing to eat I told him to buy some Purina game fish chow. About 75 of the redears thought this was a good idea and proceeded to outgrow the garden pond. The "pond" is about 10,000 gallons.

After the redears became too dense he asked me if he could just throw the fish into an area lake. I, of course, told him that this was an illegal practice.

Somehow the fish then found their way to my pond for babysitting. He delivered them in the dark of night.

These redears now silently wait...preparing for the right moment to rise up and take over the world!! Mothers, watch you children. The time will come when no one or no thing will be safe from their wrath!

There are those who feel this story is just a myth...a story told for generations over campfires by boyscout leaders trying to strike fear in scouts gathered 'round the fire. \:\( But just when you think it's all just a story--just empty words....a shadow sneaks up behind you! A slightly downturned mouth and pectoral fins the size of a vultures wings!

Be oh so careful. You know not the day or the hour..........

Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.