So you have a better mouse trap on paper? Please don't take offense, but something on paper that has not been evaluated is not as significant as someone that used all of the above, and documented their trials in research studies and books using several species. The three gentlemen I mentioned that have shown circular tanks to be superior for a lot of reasons.

I've met Summerfelt and if he's anything he's a very gifted engineer. When he starts in with is graphs, stats, and field trials you can get lost if you're not paying full attention.

Originally Posted By: JKB
...I just know what works from a different perspective.

Have you actually raised any fish in an RAS yet JKB? I'm impressed by your ideas but engineering is only part of the equation when it comes to fish as there is a biological component.

Originally Posted By: JKB
Do you think I would spend all this money on a flop.

I don't know you well. Don't even know your real name although I'm thinking it's Phil? I would hope you don't but many have. The last 20 years are replete with systems that looked good on paper but failed to be economically feasible due to too many bells and whistles.

Originally Posted By: JKB
This is just another machine to me that has to perform in the most effective manner. That also includes high reliability and multiple layers of redundancy.

That's nice but sometimes the more gadgets you have the more can go wrong. There's nothing like a person that is constantly watching vs. depending on gadgets.

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 04/30/12 04:11 PM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.