Continuing from above:
The LPAD timer does come with a speed adjustment. But, the speed adjustment is for the motor that drops feed down the chute not the motor that throws food out into the lake. The manufacturer suggests that the spped setting on the LPAD be left on low.

As far as pricing goes, we are very competitive on the delivered price.

Please see: Stren AquaPro Feeders to view our pricing. Freight charges are posted in the checkout process before any personal credit card information is entered. Credit cards are accepted online or you may order by phone 877-908-5921.

Please see: Texas Hunter Products if you are interested in a quality alternative to Sweeney Feeders. This is a directional feeder developed by individuals who used to work at Sweeney.

I hope this information helps y'all in making decisions on which feeders to buy.

Greg S. Maranto
"I'd Rather Be Fishing"