Not worried at all. I am gonna let you in on a little secret. It works in reverse also. Daughters only have a limited time with their fathers, so make the most of your time. I learned this late in life, although I was always daddy's little girl. It seems like just yesterday that he helped me reel in my first LMB. I was like five or six years old, and he and I were in a "catch the heaviest fish" competition. He let me win that day...
Now I am almost 34, and I don't know where the time has gone. Daddy is 68 and retired. He recently had radiation treatments, and we buried my grandfather (daddy's daddy) last Christmas. That day slapped me in the face. The thought of daddy never being there for me had never taken hold like it did that day.
Long story short (which it never is for me) enjoy every day to its fullest with her Theo. I am sure you already know this, but just a reminder of how fast time flys for "daddy's little girl".

And to all you dads out there... we kids love you regardless of how we act. Enjoy your time with us even if we are MAJOR pains in the butt sometimes.

Sorry if I took this thread in a different direction, but Theo's comment (plus the time of the year) really moved me!

Do fish actually kiss?