Nope, I'm just keeping the tank clean, I'm running fresh water through it evenings only, and then doing a 60-70% water change out at least once a week to get rid of the suspended solids. I did drain it dry last weekend and wiped it down good. I set this up on short notice so I haven't got to the filtration part yet. I do have "mechanical filters" that I have modified and attached to the the bottom of the pick up tubes for the power heads. I have to clean them out every couple of days but I put those on more to keep fish from getting sucked up into the powerheads. Normally the pick up tube is attached to an under gravel filter system in and aquarium so I had put something on the ends to keep the fish out of tubes. Just remember, I'm a newbie at this. I'm thinking cage raised fish off a dock would be a whole lot less work but need to build a dock first, it's on the list.

Last edited by Shorty; 04/22/12 03:44 PM.