Here is a picture of a RES:

Note the RES have the red dot just behind the gill. All of my YOY RES have it.

One other thought, if you are questioning your source, WHY IN THE HECK WOULD YOU BUY FISH FROM HIM???????

There are lots of reputable sources, DO NOT BUY FROM A QUESTIONABLE SOURCE!!!

The experts here will be able to help you find a great source that you can trust, just ask. Please don't be penny wise and pound foolish!!!

Take it from me, getting your fish from a questionable source NEVER works out for the better, if they weren't questionable, everyone would be getting their fish from that source.

Think about count, health, size, genetics, just to name a few.

If your gut is telling you to not trust him, DON'T.

Last thought, tell us who your source is and you will get responses from others who have work with him very quickly and then you will know more about him. Just my two cents. But if you are asking these questions, there is a problem brewing!


The one thing is the one thing
A dry fly catches no fish
Try not to be THAT 10%