I just came in from my first experience trying to rake FA out of our 1/4 acre pond. Ugh....not a pleasant experience. And I kept wondering if I was just spreading spores so that it will be worse tomorrow. The curious thing is we have no run off from neighboring fields and the only plant growth are some woody stalks from last summer before the pond was full...so there isn't much (any) decomposing plant matter in the pond. There isn't much floating but lots underwater...and areas of bright green sitting on the bottom.

We are in Goshen so I am really thinking about the tilapia guy. But also thinking about the $125 worth of FHM, RES and LMB we put in just last week. Would tilapia just eat them all up before thinking about eating the FA? And how many would we need for a 1/4 acre pond?

Last edited by Drogo; 04/11/12 08:11 PM.