I have a question for the experts, let me give some background...

My pond is 4 acres in western Missouri. Deepest spot 24 feet, its an old pond and has a high population of BG of all age classes and sizes from last years late spawn fry to 9-10 inch fish.

The bass were restocked June of 2010 with 400 4 inch fish. The growth rate has been astounding but considering the BG had two years with no bass to eat them, the new bass cannot turn without seeing food. I am now catching those stocked fish and the largest will go 3 to 3 1/2 pounds. And I have some of the young of those fish in the 5-7 inch range.

The pond has a small stocking of channel cat.

The bass are in the repopulate and grow phase. Im not harvesting any bass yet. The question is regarding the BG. I have some beautiful big BG but I see tons of all sizes and wonder about over population and I wonder how I can grow bigger BG. All the fish are fat healthy and show no signs of overcrowding.

I may add a timed feeder this year and a dock. And Im in an ongoing war to remove the Grass Carp as they have done more than enough weed control.

And last...would adding a new strain of the bigger type BG work or would they just cross with the current fish and lose the genetic potential?

Happy easter...and to the turkey hunters, good luck and be safe.