Originally Posted By: djstauder
You can use either the Cutrine granules (using a hand spreader) or liquid Cutrine(mixed with water in a sprayer) to spot treat the area that you are seeing FA and didn't go very far.


I would use the Cutrine Plus granules ASAP for the algae so that the phytoplankton can get hold. Or maye even better would be Green Clean professional so there wouldn't be an copper residue? Otherwise you will never get rid of the FA and never get a good algae bloom. At least not at first when it's needed the most to feed the zooplankton. At least this is what I've been told by a yellow perch producer retired Ohio State extension agent in Ohio, Bill Lynch that really knows his stuff. I can't imagine why it would be different with smallmouth bass.

When the fry use up their yolk sack they need zooplankton of the right quantity and size right away or they are done for. At that point they are fitting any zooplankton they can in their tiny mouths 24/7. If it's not there in the right quantities or size, your survival rate goes way down. Same goes for later, and if they over graze the zooplankton due to not enough or too many fish they starve or if large enough resort to cannibalism.

Originally Posted By: djstauder
I have been told that the cutrine will kill the good algae so you don't want to disperse in the entire pond, I wouldn't think.

I can't speak for that as I don't know. I do know copper can effect the benthos but would rather refer to Bill Cody on that. If it wasn't so darn overpriced I'd prefer to use the Greenclean Plus. I tried the regular and it was ineffective on my FA./

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 04/05/12 12:35 PM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.