At first, this winter wasn't brutal at all. It started a month later than the previous one and the average temperature was higher.
Now we still got ice because last 2 weeks somehow weren't as warm as we expected but I hope that it will melt in ~2 weeks. Some sunny days could do a lot.

Average annual rainfall is ~634 mm per year but nobody here calculated possible water amount from rain/snow. Every idea was based on experience. Anyway, first 2 smallest ponds every spring are full. During very hot summer they dry a bit but it isn't that important. I have got no trouts smile
The largest pond is in a valley and it can get much from meadows around. Every spring/autumn that small brook provides extra water from first two ponds.
In the future this brook (believe me, it isn't a big one) will turn into a wide and deep ditch that will connect Triangle and New pond. Actually it will be be a part of a pond.

About stocking.
Actually none of them is empty. Open the first page and you'll find some pictures from a stocking last autumn (tench, carp, grass carp, some sturgeons - all that in the New pond). Ide is one of the species that certainly will be added this year. I have thought about zander too.
Triangle pond isn't big enough for serious stocking - maybe some carps could be put there.
Fish pond probably will be a pond for some predators. Maybe pike, maybe wels catfish. It has to be partly drained before to see how much fish are there. Predators should have something to eat smile