Originally Posted By: sprkplug
Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1
Stick with your original idea!

Maybe he was a transplant from Michigan. grin

I do know they don't recommend planting bluegills and bass in Michigan ponds and push hybrids. They claim it's a just a matter of time before the bluegills stunt. I guess they don't believe people can manage their own ponds.

This is the explanation that I believe to be true. And, based on personal observation, I agree with it. Guys, remember that although those of us on this forum may take on an active role in their pond's management, we are but a tiny fraction of the number of pondowners across the country.

What I see around here in the vast majority of cases is no management at all, or incomplete management at best. Most folks idea of pond management is mowing around the bank, removing all the BG you can, (because after all, everyone knows you can't damage the population of BG), returning every single LMB, stocking large numbers of CC, adding dye to the water to prevent that pesky "moss", and throwing out some stale bread, or, in the more enlightened cases, some inexpensive floating Catfish food.

There are of course exceptions, but they are few and far between. If I can see this, then I'm sure the fisheries biologist can also, and I think they choose the easiest path.... stock a fish with little reproduction, vs. educating the public about the correct procedures needed to sustain and improve their private ponds.

I'm curious as to what you guys see in your areas, regarding pond management. And I'm not talking about those with which you may personally interact, or help educate. Here in my shop, the PB poster with the sunfishes' hangs on the wall, and it never fails to start a conversation about fish with my customers. After a few minutes I can get a pretty good idea about an individual's management ideas, and most aren't pretty.

I believe that those of us here at PB are a minority of pond owners, and while the fellowship here is enjoyed by all, I have to ask myself if we are a little removed from most real-world scenarios. Preaching to the choir is always appreciated, but the masses need ministering too also.

I think you hit the nail on the head. And like I said I believe most fisheries biologists are quite knowledgeable, at least the ones I know are in my state.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.