Yesterday evening I got a better look at these things. The nose/head is fairly pointed as compared to the picture of the GS above. They also appeared darker along the top of the body then fading to a light grey or white color yesterday. It was cloudy yesterday eve which could have contributed to the difference in color.

One feature I was able to notice or think I noticed was a dark spot behind the gill. Once I thought it was just the gill opened up but then as they made another pass I could distinctly see a dark "spot".

I did see a decent bass around 2lb swimming behind the school of these fish. I got the impression he was sizing them up for a meal.

Is there any chance these are young channel catfish? The body doesn't look like a channel but the coloration yesterday and the forked tail really looked similar. I can't say I've ever seen a young channel but a friend of mine that is more into catfishing than I am came out and said thats what he thought they were. I disagreed but it got me thinking...

I found a supplier locally that has throw nets in stock so after work I'm heading out to grab one. Hopefully I will be able to post some pics soon to identify this mystery fish.