Originally Posted By: JKB
Originally Posted By: jludwig

Does it make you feel more alive? grin

I must say so on that one laugh

Getting zapped once in a while from low current AC voltage seems to clear the cobwebs, and your awareness increases quite dramatically grin

Is electroshock therapy right for me?

I usually lock out the disconnect switches now. Too much of a good thing can be bad crazy laugh

I once got trapped on a large lake in a rowboat in a fast approaching lightning storm. The storm took me by surprise as it came from the east. Anyway, after taking refuge in a mosquito infested shoreline treeless area I decided to skirt the shoreline and see if I could take refuge in a cottage until it let up, and I could row back to the access site and my car. Needless to say the cottage owners were suspicious of me and initially wanted me to go back out into the lightning storm! They finally relented though and all was well.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.