
The Pond Boss world just keeps getting smaller and smaller. I grew up in "the suburbs" of Iron River, in the town of Hughes. My family is from Iron River/Oulu/Poplar/Foxboro/Superior/Duluth.

If you need to do some name dropping in the area, send me a PM. My brother is still the "Ayatollah with the Big Hammer" in a close-by small town. My cousins still have a little influence.

If nothing else, I've got good connections in the local cemeteries where we bury all the old fishermen.

Ken (aka Oulu Knute)

P.S. I just got off got off the phone with one of my cousins. He was in a grader on Hwy 2 outside of
Superior. He didn't think that South Shore sunbathing might be a good idea.

Last edited by catmandoo; 03/01/12 02:39 PM. Reason: P.S. Phone call with cousin

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