Well it is time to dig this thread back up. My dad and I never had the time to build it ourselves so we are hiring a guy that built a pond for another PB member. The guy does good work and is very honest. Had him out this past weekend to mark where the dam was going to go. He should be starting in a few weeks.

Going with this riser from agridrain. Getting the 6 feet riser which will give me 5.5 feet of water at the dam that I want.


This is looking west from the east side of the dam. the trees on the right side of the photo follow the ditch that drains 165 acres.

Looking east from the west side of the dam.

Panoramic photo looking west on the left of the photo and east on the right side. I am standing in the ditch where the water flows through.

Didn;t want to take any dirt from inside the pond basin so we are going to dig another pond about 60 yards north of the west side of the dam. The black triangle is the duck pond and the white x is the location for the pond where we will be getting the dirt. This pond should be at least half an acre in size.

Looking upstream.