Hey Ted that's good stuff right there!! Thanks for your input! I am looking forward to Sue's post and anything she can add would be great! I think this is a very overlooked topic even though alot of people have air in their ponds I think a lot of them including myself are not quite sure how much turn over we are really getting??? And if you only run your pump say 8 hours a night or 12 then how much are you getting?? If it took me 24 hours to turn my pond over 1.49 times per say then I may go from 8 hours a night to 12 if it would help a lot. Another question would be how many times do I really need to turn over my pond in a given week per say?

thanks again,

Last edited by RC51; 02/15/12 02:22 PM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!