Welcome Tyler! Whereabouts in Iowa are you?

As RC noted, definitely a good idea to get FHM started ASAP. Depending upon your goals would better determine your stocking rates. Trophy LMB or BG or a more balanced fishery?

YP are a possibility, though you'll want to wait to have adequate vegetative cover for them to survive LMB predation.

It is typically discouraged among pondmeisters to stock crappie in a small pond. They spawn prior to all other species so they'll constantly have the upper hand at the dinner table. They also tend to spawn often and randomly, so what a lot of pond owners who have stocked crappie end up with is an overpopulation of stunted crappie. Unless you are on site and able to aggressively manage (as in almost daily) I would discourage the stocking of crappie in your pond.

I also second RC's suggestion to stock RES.

Good luck and post pictures of your project when you get a chance!