Hey Tyler welcome and congrats on your new pond it sounds awesome!! Your right in getting the FHM started. If you have enough water in there and you know the water is not leaking out I would start putting in FHM now. You could also do the BG. Don't quote me on this but I believe the agverage stock rate is about 800 per acre of BG. I would let them grow for the summer and not stock LMB or any other predator till the fall. Your going to want about 200 RES per acre as well to help with viruses snails and parasites and such. They do a good job of that! You could add those when you add the BG. I am no expert by any means so lets wait and see what others have to say too. Good luck and show us some pictures when you get a chance!!!

Last edited by RC51; 02/13/12 02:42 PM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!