One more question concerning H2O and H2O2. I dont really get the chemistry part, but is your average DO meter capable of detecting H2O2? Where I'm going is 1. Can H202 be utilized by surface dwelling creatures? 2. I've heard it said that well water immediately absorbs oxygen from the atmosphere, or is it possible, that when the H2O2 reaches surface pressure the molecular composition changes, becoming H2O?
I have put fish in my well water before and survived a while without aeration. I also wonder if the notion of aerating all well water, at times has made some well water habitable merely by offgassing noxious gases I have seen you guys talk about, that were not detectable with the nose. I think it's called hydrogen sulfide. If water contains an elevated amount of hydrogen sulfide what are the effects on a DO meter?

Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer.